Tuesday 30 April 2013

The Trip South – Part 1 – AC

After a couple days of packing and repacking, we had finally compacted Davon’s belongings down to ¾ of a truck full, compared to my 1 and a half suitcases. (She had all these frivolous things like dishes and bedding!) We woke up on Monday morning at 4am to begin the trip south, loaded the last of our belongings into the truck, picked up Davon’s mom and Tim, then hit the road. We made it as far as Starbucks and the gas station to fill up Tim and the truck. After a 3h drive to the southern tip of Vancouver Island, we arrived in Victoria ready to catch the Black Ball Ferry into the USA. (yes, it really is called the Black Ball Ferry). The US customs guys come along, car by car, to check your paperwork. Davon looked a bit dodgy so was asked to step out of the vehicle and place her hands on the hood of the vehicle, much to the enjoyment of everyone else. Just what you need at a US border crossing, a wise-guy customs officer who you can’t read as being serious or joking with anything he says.
Washington State was a bit of a blur as we drove down towards the Pacific coastline. There was a lot of green and abandoned houses intermingled with large mounds of oysters shells from the local shellfish fishery. Davon had the GPS set to the ‘shortest’ rather than the ‘fastest’ route at one point in Oregon. This resulted in a detour off the main highway and through beautiful farmland onto a narrow gravel road. At the end of the road, the GPS told us to turn right into a farmer’s field to cross the remnants of an old wooden bridge to get back to the main road. For the crystal glassware’s sake, we backtracked to the main road.

Monday 29 April 2013

Bad Bloggers - DC

Well, we’ve decided we’re not very good a blogging. It’s been three weeks, and SO much has happened, but we’ve blogged nothing!

In the few days before we left Canada, we decided to take a night out at the local Courtenay casino. Well, what an exciting time that was! The high rollers that we are, we put a whopping 5 bucks into the first machine. Gambled our hearts out down to 4 bucks on the electronic slot machines, one penny at a time. We got bored. After wandering around aimlessly for a while we sat down at another machine and lost. Down to our final bet, 18c left, and lo and behold, we came out of there with 62 dollars. We won some free games then sat there for about ten minutes while the machine just kept on going on its own winning and winning more. It was hilarious.

We were planning to leave Courtenay, BC on Monday April 15th. I got my visa in the mail the Friday before… the visa… the critical piece of paper that would allow me (Adam said he didn’t care and would go without me) to actually cross the border. Remember the LARGE 4x4 truck that Adam alluded to a while back, about how it was so big he had to jump to get in…well, that was to be our ride for the 2400km trip south. Some ingenious packing filled up the whole back of the pick up, despite several attempts by Adam to discard many of my belongings – namely my crystal glassware.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Settling in - DC

It's been neat watching Adam adjust to life outside of New Zealand. Apparently, now that we're in Canada I'm using a whole bunch of new words. (Standard vs manual for the car; Shit disturber; Ketchup instead of Tomato sauce; Skookum, which means tough or strong or sturdy...). I suppose I'm settling back in to living in North America. We have been enjoying a lot of local seafood, teaching Adam how to ice skate and how to drive on the right side of the road and visiting with friends and family. I even got to spend a couple days at a spa with my mom! (Adam had some quality Adam-time looking after mom's cats and dog.)

We have been spending as much time outside as possible to make use of the unusually great weather for this time of year. The photo above is from this evening at Comox Lake as we watched the sun slip down below the mountains. The lake was calm as glass with beautiful cloud and tree reflections. Simply gorgeous.

It's Wednesday now and we're supposed to be leaving next Monday for the US, but I don't actually have my visa paperwork yet. Cutting it a bit close perhaps? Haha yes! Need to keep life exciting! Or so that's what I keep telling Adam!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

What feels like home - AC

Both these photos were taken in and around Courtenay, Vancouver Island, BC in the first few days after arriving. The first two days here were sunny and clear with beautiful views to the surrounding snowy mountains on the island and to mountains on the mainland some 50+km away. Awesome! However, I was warned this weather was rare for Spring and that “April showers bring May flowers”. While it still hasn’t rained… or showered, the skies are now filled with clouds. The title of this post came about when Davon said that the dull grey sky, overgrown undergrowth and half dead grass along side the road made her feel like she was home here in Courtenay. Somewhat expectedly, this doesn’t have a homely feel to me. Where is the wind? Where are the ferns? Why do I have to jump to pull myself into this monster 4x4 truck? Overtime, these sights and surroundings will become the new `normal’ before the next stage of our trip in the USA where another set of new normals will come along.